Unmute Yourself

February 28, 2023

I recorded a great segment of my video series, Musings and Meditations. But since the microphone was muted the entire time, it will be released tomorrow.

The tech glitch inspired today’s topic: unmute yourself.

So much about creative self-expression is about making space for yourself to be, completely unmuted and unfiltered. For it is that raw gold of your essence from which the greatest jewels of your unique magic reside.

That depth of being is vast and idiosyncratic, messy and miraculous – and largely goes unexplored and unexpressed throughout our lives. Why?

“Both / and” can feel threatening when you’re accustomed to “either / or” thinking – both within yourself, and in encountering another.

I liken it to a group improv where you get attached to your simple 4/4 groove, and then someone else throws an unexpected odd meter like 7/4 into the mix. 

How do you hold your center of gravity while co-existing harmoniously with the music that another brings to the symphony as it unfolds?

Diversity of perspective is essential to critical thinking,  creative growth, and ultimately transcendence.

Improvisation is a powerful creative modality because it bypasses the realm of either / or, and keeps the heart and mind open to the unexpected, the nuanced, the divergent, the paradoxical, the sublime. 

And that cultivates within you a depth of presence that infuses all areas of your life with the kind of profound emotional freedom, wholeheartedness, and sense of well-being that happens in a moment of song.

Join me in that field beyond either / or. I’ll sing with you there.

I offer coaching, workshops, corporate trainings, and presentations at the intersection of voice, creativity, and mindfulness.

My work is for:

  • holistic-oriented individuals committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth
  • expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals
  • organizations committed to building thriving cultures of connection through experiential learning in the workplace. 

I have partnered with numerous organizations as an artist-in-residence, teaching artist, and facilitator, including the United Nations, Carnegie Hall, and Grace Episcopal Church.