What Happens When You Start Playing More?

January 10, 2023


My fellow Word-of-the-Year folks, how did you embody your word during the first week of the year? My word is CELEBRATION. For me, that meant constantly orienting my thought process to being present to the richness, fullness, “is”ness of every moment, regardless of whether the content of the moment was “good” or “bad.” Huge light bulb breaks? Yay! I celebrate learning more than I ever thought I would about mercury and safe disposal of a CFL light bulb. 😂 (And why do we still make light bulbs with mercury anyway, when it’s possible to make them without it? And down that rabbithole I went…) Dealing with the drudgery of decluttering? YES! I celebrate the process of cultivating greater clarity and flow through clutter clearing. Playing a beautiful tong drum? 🎉🎉🎉 I celebrate being gifted a beautiful tong drum, courtesy of @jouleladara and feeltone! How is your Word showing up for you so far?

♬ original sound – Onome.Om

My theme for the year is CELEBRATION.

This doesn’t mean 24 / 7 confetti throwing, or otherwise performing a happiness you don’t feel. 

It means consistently orienting my thought process to being present and awakened to the richness, fullness, “is”ness of every moment, regardless of whether the content of the moment is “good” or “bad.”

That presence, that awareness provides the context within which we live our lives. Context is what ultimately assigns meaning to the content, which consists of the details, mechanics, circumstances, and habitual responses of whatever you’re dealing with in a given moment. For example:

– Huge light bulb breaks? 

The old way: annoyance and frustration about potentially stepping on broken glass. AND it’s happening on New Year’s Eve? (True story.) Argh!

Now: Yay! I get to feel annoyed and frustrated AND I celebrate learning more than I ever thought I would about mercury and safe disposal of a CFL light bulb. (And why do we still make light bulbs with mercury anyway, when it’s possible to make them without it? And down that rabbithole I eventually went…)

– Dealing with the drudgery of decluttering? 

The old way: continually putting it off and resisting it and numbing out while the papers pile up on auto-pilot.

Now: YES! I get to feel the fear underneath the resistance, AND I celebrate the process of releasing the grief embedded in this pile of stuff, cultivating greater clarity, and creating more flow through clutter clearing.

Playing a beautiful tong drum? I celebrate receiving one as an awesome gift, courtesy of my friend Joule L’Adara and Feeltone!

That last example is easy to celebrate, because drums are easy to love. That is, it’s easier to embody a peak state within the practice of drumming – or singing, writing, dancing, or other forms of play. 

But how do you stay “turned on” in your relationship to the drudge, the hard stuff, the harsh moments of self-doubt that hold back of your gifts? 

You guessed it…….PLAY!

What is play, and why is it important? 

Play combines love, imagination, flow state, curiosity, creativity, receptivity, innovation, discovery, and broadened perspective to create a heightened state of presence and vitality.

Every realm of your life benefits from intentionally infusing these qualities into your experience through play.

  • You become more bold, decisive, and empowered in your choices.
  • You become more fortified and well-resourced in handling difficult conversations and advocating for your needs.
  • Your complaints become more sources of entertainment than sources of guilt and shame. And you’ll find yourself complaining less, and taking more inspired action!
  • You release resistance and start doing the obvious things that you haven’t been doing, that you know will increase your quality of life.

When you enroll into Voke, you’re investing in an intimate deep-dive into a new level of self-actualization, through your unique self-expression.

Voke is customized for your unique combination of self-expression needs, desires, and challenges. You get to open and soften into your authentic essence through the in-depth support and guidance you receive within this program.


  • Seven 60 minute sessions via Zoom
  • Contemplative / embodied / experiential homework
  • $888 – Payment plans available.

Click here to enroll in Voke.

I offer coaching, workshops, corporate trainings, and presentations at the intersection of voice, creativity, and mindfulness.

My work is for:

  • holistic-oriented individuals committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth
  • expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals
  • organizations committed to building thriving cultures of connection through experiential learning in the workplace. 

I have partnered with numerous organizations as an artist-in-residence, teaching artist, and facilitator, including the United Nations, Carnegie Hall, and Grace Episcopal Church.