Workplace Well-Being, Connection, and Creativity

January 17, 2023

Good news: my corporate wellness online and in-person offerings are now available on Insight Timer Marketplace!

Bring much-needed inspiration, fun, community, and leadership development to your workplace.

Imagine your team being so in tune with each other that they joyfully ride the creative wave from inspired idea, to implementation.

Here are examples of results from teams I’ve worked with, once they made the decision to focus on deepening their connection and creative fellowship:

  • The ice is completely broken, and the creative juices are flowing!
  • We’re discovering and embracing new dimensions of leadership within ourselves and each other.
  • I experience more ease initiating challenging conversations within our group.
  •  I feel more ease, openness, and camaraderie with my peers.
  •  I speak more freely, with authenticity, integrity, and authority.
  •  I’m more adept at engaging different perspectives from a state of curiosity, appreciation, and bigger picture synergy, rather than harsh judgment and doubt.
  •  Our staff meetings are filled with more vitality, fun, and spontaneity.

I am available to guide your group through an experiential process that is tailored to your team’s unique set of needs, desires, and challenges in strengthening your group cohesion and values-alignment.

You can simply type my name “Onome” in the Insight Timer search box, or click the links below to learn about each program, and book the experiences best-suited for your organization’s goals.

If you work at a company that values workplace wellness, holistic professional / personal development, employee engagement, and team building, share my programs with your HR department.

I offer coaching, workshops, corporate trainings, and presentations at the intersection of voice, creativity, and mindfulness.

My work is for:

  • holistic-oriented individuals committed to moving beyond fear and emotional stuckness to voice their truth
  • expressive arts enthusiasts whose souls are deeply nourished by community vocal rituals
  • organizations committed to building thriving cultures of connection through experiential learning in the workplace. 

I have partnered with numerous organizations as an artist-in-residence, teaching artist, and facilitator, including the United Nations, Carnegie Hall, and Grace Episcopal Church.